How to get the most out of your National Memberships

  • Read through the CMSA News and Activities sent to your email to stay up to date on what is happening with CMSA at the national level
  • Submit a blog post through the Publications page in your Partner Portal
  • Comment on other blogs posted by our members and chapter leaders
  • Check out the Education Resource Library through your Member Portal to stay up to date on what topics are top of mind for our members
  • Utilize the search function in the Member Directory located in your Member Portal to find members in your area and target market
  • Look for volunteer opportunities to serve on a board or committee


How to get the most out of your Chapter Memberships

  • Network at free chapter events
  • Get to know the chapter leaders, they are great resources to connect you with members in your target market
  • Volunteer to speak at a chapter event
  • Post open positions to chapter job boards
  • Look for volunteer opportunities to serve on a board or committee