CMSA is committed to providing information and education through publications and online outlets devoted to both evidence-based science and career development. All members have access to the following publications as a benefit of membership.
CMSA Publications
CMSA Today
CMSA's Official Magazine
This publication delivers important news and information direct from the Case Management Society of America (CMSA) – the largest and oldest non-profit, multi-disciplinary care management professional association in the United States.
The magazine is the cornerstone of CMSA's member communications – incorporating print and digital publications, as well as e-newsletters and a complementary news website – all designed to deliver the latest news and information from CMSA and the care management industry.
Professional Case Management: The Leader in Evidence-Based Practice
CMSA’s Official Journal
As the official journal of the Case Management Society of America (CMSA), Professional Case Management: The Leader in Evidence-Based Practice is a peer-reviewed, contemporary journal that crosses all case management settings.
The journal features best practices and industry benchmarks for the professional case manager and also features hands-on information for case managers new to the specialty. Articles focus on the coordination of services, management of payer issues, population- and disease-specific aspects of patient care, efficient use of resources, improving the quality of care/patient safety, data and outcomes analysis, and patient advocacy. The Journal provides practical, hands-on information for day-to-day activities, as well as cutting-edge research.
CareManagement Journal
CareManagement is now the journal of: The Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC), Case Management Society of America (CMSA), The Academy of Certified Case Managers (ACCM).
The journal features best practices and industry benchmarks for the professional case manager and also features hands-on information for case managers new to the specialty. Articles focus on the coordination of services, management of payer issues, population- and disease-specific aspects of patient care, efficient use of resources, improving the quality of care/patient safety, data and outcomes analysis, and patient advocacy. The Journal provides practical, hands-on information for day-to-day activities, as well as cutting-edge research.
Official CMSA Pulse eNewsletter
CMSA's Industry e-Newsletter
CMSA's monthly e-newsletter contains the latest industry news and information important to case managers. Subscribe today by entering your email below.
Members are automatically included in eNewsletter distributions. Non-members are welcome to subscribe below. Keep your profile updated to ensure delivery!