Honor that special Case Manager today!
Case Management is not for the faint of heart. To succeed, we must collaborate, assess, plan, facilitate, coordinate care, evaluate, and advocate for our patients and their families. Finding cost effective measures and resources is not easy. Smiling in the face of tears and lifting up others even when we feel tired ourselves takes courage and strength. Yet, we show up every day because this profession we have chosen has also chosen us.
It's safe to say that we haven't arrived where we are today on our own. Somewhere along our journey, there were those individuals who made deep and invaluable impressions on our lives. They helped shape our mindset, inspired us to go the extra mile, to advocate creatively, and most of all to make a difference. They didn't do it through their words alone. We watched them carefully and their actions infused us with the desire to emulate their dedication in our own work. We're better simply because we know them.
Celebrate and honor those Case Managers who have made impact on us and our field. It's an opportunity to tell the story of the world changers. Together, we will honor these amazing individuals and push the mission we are working to accomplish together forward!
Melanie Prince, CMSA President,
Pays Tribute to the Military for CM Week 2020!
Someone From CMSA Loves You Notecard: