By Michelle Brusio, MSN, RN, CCM

As I reflect on Case Management Week, I have been reflecting on my career and ways to improve myself as a leader and a Case Manager.  During my reflection, I realized that I don’t celebrate myself or my wins as they just come with the job. I don’t take in the moments when I am told I did a great job or know in my heart that I have helped a patient with a meaningful touch, resource, or guidance.

During this past weekend’s football game, I was sitting at M&T Stadium watching my Ravens do their thing when I suddenly said “That’s the thing. That’s the thing I am missing.” I am in the moment of watching and participating in the celebrations. I am singing and dancing and shouting, rooting on my team as they run down to the endzone to celebrate and get a picture of a successful, yet impactful moment.

The emotions inside that stadium reminded me that as Case Managers we need to celebrate the wins more often as our work can be just as challenging as trying to get a first down or score a touchdown against a tough defense. The climb to greatness is tough and at times heartbreaking but once we get there, it is time to celebrate. You know the hard work and training that has gone into making you a great Case Manager. The many successful outcomes from your playbook are because of YOU!

A few years ago, I won an award with a coworker for getting a patient into inpatient hospice on Christmas Eve which was a challenge in itself. The patient also never wanted hospice up until the afternoon of Christmas Eve. As I was working with the hospice liaison, the patient’s spouse was calling their sons to let them know the discharge plan. The patient was admitted to inpatient hospice on Christmas Eve night. She passed away with her husband and sons around her peacefully and in the setting, she had wished for. I didn’t understand the reason for the award because this is what I do every day. Today, I reflect that I was a very important part of her last days or hours. I was against many odds that day due to the Christmas holiday, but my playbook, perseverance, and experience led me to a win. I don’t know that I should have won an award for this but, I do know that it worked out beautifully.

We may not have an entire stadium cheering us on or be on display for the world to see our successes but, celebrate the wins no matter how small they may be. You made a difference! Dance, sing, and root for yourself. Take that picture in the endzone after that first down or touchdown. I hope that your Case Management Week was celebrated well. Oh, and Go Ravens!

Bio: Michelle Brusio, MSN, RN, CCM, is a case manager with experience in acute care hospitals, insurance, and ambulatory care case management. She works as a Clinical Manager, Population Health, for the University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health.

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