By Janet Coulter, MSN, MS, RN, CCM, FCM

Congratulations, Case Managers! This week is about celebrating YOU and what YOU do. YOU are the key to assisting clients navigating complex situations. YOU meet “head-on” the challenging needs of your clients. YOU assist in connecting fragmented resources to link clients and their service delivery systems. YOU are proactive in identifying potential issues and proactively addressing those issues. YOU collaborate with other healthcare professionals to address challenges to meet your client's needs. YOU make a difference!

As case managers, we are the client’s advocate. We serve a diverse population and provide client-centered, equitable care. We relentlessly try to engage our clients in their health care. We strive to ensure care is coordinated, safe, cost-effective and timely.  We endeavor to create a better healthcare service experience for our clients. We work hard and this is the week to celebrate us! Most case managers go above and beyond to assist their clients. This week, take some time to congratulate your fellow case managers on a job well done.  This is the time to recognize their efforts. Send your fellow case managers a congratulatory email or instant message. Call the other case managers in your department and just say, “Happy Case Management Week.” You may be surprised that some case managers are unaware that it is Case Management Week! Celebrate Case Management Week by joining in the celebration activities with your local CMSA chapter. And register and participate in the many activities National CMSA is sponsoring! Invite another case manager to join in the celebration. Join CMSA on Monday, October 10, for “Case Managers and Cocktails”. Take some time to care for yourself on Tuesday by joining “Morning Mindfulness.”  Webinar Wednesday and Technology Thursday will be great ways to earn RN and CCM continuing education credits. On Friday, CMSA President Colleen Morley will be hosting a Facebook “Live” event and giving away prizes!  Colleen always brings lots of fun and entertainment.  Be sure to register for all these events. Enjoy yourself; Celebrate a job well done; YOU have earned it!

Our passion for helping others comes from our heart. We need to use the lion in our lungs to share our stories and our fingertips to spread the word about case management! You can start by reading YOUR association’s publications — CMSA Today Magazine and Professional Case Management Journal. In addition, CMSA publishes a blog every week.  Have you read them? The blogs are short (a 5-minute read), educational and entertaining. Writing for a CMSA publication is another creative way to share your case management knowledge and experiences.  This is YOUR mouthpiece for spreading the word about the outcomes of case management and the many contributions case managers make. What success stories do you have? It does not have to be a BIG success. Big and small success stories may help other case managers in similar situations to improve their practice. Share your stories. Share your passion! Write a blog. Write an article. Everyone benefits. What better way to celebrate Case Management Week than by sharing your knowledge with other case managers.

Happy Case Management Week — I am proud to be a Case Manager!

Bio: Janet Coulter, MSN, MS, RN, CCM, FCM, is a transplant case manager with a wide variety of experiences including educator, administrator, team leader, and Director of Case Management. Janet holds a Master of Science in Nursing from West Virginia University and a Master of Science in Adult Education from Marshall University. She has published many articles in CMSA Today and the Professional Case Management Journal and served as a reviewer for the Core Curriculum for Case Management Third Edition. She currently serves as Chair of the CMSA Today Editorial Board and Secretary of the CMSA Foundation board. Janet was the recipient of the CMSA National Award of Service Excellence and Southern Ohio Valley CMSA Case Management Leadership award and was recently inducted as a Case Management Fellow from CMSA.

Visit the CMSA Case Management Week Hub to access event registration links, branded graphics and swag, and the CM Week Treasure Hunt (win some prizes!):

And Happy Birthday, CMSA!