
*New Resource* - Improving Engagement Video
  • Click HERE to watch this 5-minute video tutorial on Youtube.
  • Click HERE to download the companion PDF Packet with additional information and helpful tools.
  • Once you have watched the video and reviewed the PDF, please click HERE to help us by providing your feedback in this mini-survey.
Chapter Reporting Documents

Upload your annual reporting documents here!

Update officers here!


Legal Documents

Coming soon!

Is the chapter required to have an Executive Director?

No. The board has discretion in determining its leadership structure. 

What are the required board positions?
  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary


What is the role of the Board?

The Board is responsible for managing the chapter's affiars, direction, program, priorities, resourc allocations, and financial performance and planning. The ultimate responsibility for the chapter's programs, activities, and fiscal integrity rests witht he Board of Directors. 

How can an officer be removed?

Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. 

What are qualifications for office?

Any case manager member or special member entitled to vote and in good standing is eligible for nomination and election to any elective office or the organization. 

Why do we pay Cogency Global?

CMSA chapters are incorporated under CMSA National as a Domestic Corporation at the Department of Consumer and Regularty Affairs (DCRA) in Washington DC, under a group account, as a 501(c)(6).

The D.C. government requires that if your organization is not located in D.C., it must have a registered agent located in D.C. Under incorporation policies, each organization must hire a registered agent who acts as a liaison between the organization and the government body. The registered agent that the National Office has hired to serve as the registerd agent for all the chapters is Cogency Global.


What does 501(c)(6) status mean?

All CMSA local chapters are covered and are exempt from federal income tax under the National chapter's group exemption number 3347.