Learn use of current tools and emerging best practices to elevate your case management “Superpower!”
A Case Manager’s practice is filled with challenges, especially when managing complex patients, from admission to readmissions associated with compromised chronic conditions. These challenges are further impacted by the current regulatory landscapes, ethical, systems, and policy challenges.
National and local speakers will share their expertise to meet your case management learning needs. They will discuss hospital capacity challenges, take you on a journey through the Medicare Maze in 2025, address effective readmission strategies, discuss meeting the complex discharge needs of patients with chronic respiratory failure and hepatic encephalopathy, and finally, provide the evidence-based practice strategies and ethical issues for overturning Medicare Advantage post-acute denials. All these critical lectures prepare you to meet the new year’s challenges.
Learning Objectives:
2 Days 1/25 & 2/8/25 – 9 RN, SW & CCM credits
CMSNE members $95, CMSA members not part of CMSNE $105, Non-members $120
Register here for both days
1 Day either 1/25/25 or 2/8/25 – 4.5 RN, SW & CCM credits
CMSNE members $60, CMSA members not part of CMSNE $65, Non-members $75
Register here for 1/25/25 Register here for 2/8/25
Day 1 – January 25, 2025:
Session I - Beyond the Bedside: Case Management Solutions to Curb Readmissions
Speaker: Dr. Colleen Morley, DNP, RN, CCM, CMAC, CMCN, ACM-RN, FCM
Session II - Hepatic Encephalopathy: Current Pathway for Care Resolution and Best Practices for 2025…Case Managers, A Must Hear!
Speaker Nancy Skinner, RN, CCM, CMGT-RN, ACM-RN, CMCN, FCM
Session III – Meeting the Discharge Challenges of Respiratory Therapy Needs for the Chronic Pulmonary Patient & Others with a Complex Oxygen Delivery Discharge Plan
Speaker: Kasey Stevenson, Vice President, National Clinical Sales, AdaptHealth