CMSA Arizona's Annual Conference will take place September 27, 2024 at the Scottsdale Arizona Doubletree Resort. We will once again offer impeccable programming with industry relevant topics, impressive keynote speakers and pending 6.0 CEUs. The following provides sponsor information, keynote speakers introductions, the Conference agenda and a full list of sponsors and exhibitors. We look forward to seeing you September 27th!
Reserve your sponsorship today - they WILL sell out!
$125.00 CMSA Members
$150.00 Non-Members & Guests
$7,500.00 Gold Sponsorship - Includes 5 tickets to the Conference
$5,000.00 Silver Sponsorship - Includes 4 tickets to the Conference
$3,500.00 Breakfast Sponsors - Includes 2 tickets to the Conference
$3,500.00 Lunch Sponsors - Includes 2 tickets to the Conference
$3,500.00 Snack Sponsors - Includes 2 tickets to the Conference
$3,500.00 Tote Bag Sponsor - Includes 2 tickets to the Conference
$1,725.00 Friends of CMSA Sponsor - Includes 2 tickets to the Conference