The CMSA Blog offers timely information and important perspectives on issues affecting the case management community. Here are the top Blogs from 2021:

The Challenge of Caring for the Caregiver

By Janet Coulter, MSN, MS, RN, CCM  

Imagine you are on a plane and the pilot signals an emergency. Oxygen masks fall from the overhead space.  What should you do? What did the Flight Attendant say during that routine pre-take-off safety demonstration?  Oh, yes.  I remember. I should put on my own oxygen mask before helping anyone else. The same thing holds true for caregivers. Caregivers must take care of themselves before they can effectively take care of others.

Read the rest of the blog here:


Hope and Help with COVID Vaccinations

By Trina Mays BSN, RN, CCM, CRC

I haven’t worked at the bedside in a while. Like many nurses, I began my career in a hospital and was able to work intimately with thousands of different people. Bedside nursing was challenging and fulfilling but after several years, I needed a change.

Read the rest of the blog here:


The Village where Everyone has Dementia: Welcome to Dementiaville!

By Janet Coulter, MSN, MS, RN, CCM  

Is this an episode of The Twilight Zone?  Imagine, if you will, a village for people with dementia. Have we crossed over to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind…a journey into a wondrous land of imagination called The Twilight Zone? Is this the future of dementia care– a village just for people with dementia?

Read the rest of the blog here:


Standing on the Shore

By Martha Pressley-Turner, RN, CMGT-BC, MS, LCCE, FACCE

Last year I was losing hair from the stress of not being able to help my colleagues in New York City ICUs.  I did not have the needed skills and have learned to help in other ways through volunteer agencies.  My hair is growing now.

Read the rest of the blog here:


We are looking forward to an amazing 2022 and a growing Blog packed with new information and perspectives. Happy New Year!


What blog topics would YOU like to see from CMSA in 2022?