By Gary Wolfe, RN, CCM, FCM 

Occasionally, the questions arise:  Why should I belong to a professional organization like CMSA? Where is the value of being a member of CMSA?  Even when I am a member, sometimes I need to be reminded of why I should renew. I hear comments like: I am very busy, and it costs money. It is no longer one of my priorities!  Well, that is true.  Everyone seems to be busy – work, family, life!  Yes, it does cost money.  So, what is the return on investment in belonging to a professional organization like CMSA? There are many ways of looking at membership in a professional organization, regardless of where you are in your career.  The more you are engaged with CMSA, the greater your return on investment, although you will see rewards regardless of your level of engagement. 

Let me detail some of the benefits of belonging to CMSA: 

Advocacy and a Voice 

A lot is going on in healthcare today.  Case management must be represented with the government and many other organizations at all levels. I know case management is defined and contributes to improving patient outcomes and helping define and deliver value-based healthcare.  I can’t do that alone, but my professional organization can and does.  CMSA represents and speaks out on case managers all the time.  CMSA is my voice in Washington, D.C. and the halls of government. CMSA represents me in forums of public interest.   

Standards of Practice 

Defining case management and establishing the standards of which I practice is essential.  Who is best to set these standards of practice?  I certainly don’t want someone interested in defining who, what, and how I practice.  Professional case managers should hold strong in the definition of my practice.  CMSA published the first Standards of Case Management Practice in 1995 and regularly updates the standards so my practice can reflect current knowledge and research.  As a member benefit, I receive a copy of the Standards of Practice.  

Professional Development 

When I became a case manager, I knew I also started on a journey of life-long learning.  I must keep up and be informed about so much from medical science, research, new/changing regulations, new technology, etc.  Through membership in CMSA, I can attend conferences, workshops, and educational events, usually at a reduced rate and sometimes a free, members-only program.  I also receive journals and publications which keep me informed and up to date.  Continuing education is so important 

Networking Opportunities 

I can not tell you how networking opportunities from attending a CMSA activity may have helped me.  The issues run the gambit:  solving a challenging issue, recruiting staff, validating my thinking (Yes, sometimes it is nice to be told what you are doing is not crazy and keep moving forward!), hearing about new resources for patients, and finding a new job, and the list goes on and on. Sometimes, I need a new perspective, so who can I call? Usually, someone I have located through networking.  Networking is very important, and CMSA helped me develop those skills to be successful.  Regardless of your needs, networking opportunities with CMSA are tremendous, even if you are not active in a local CMSA chapter.  Because of technology, we can connect with people from all over.  Networking provides a platform to connect with peers, mentors, industry leaders, fostering both professional and personal growth.   Your networking can open doors for you! 

Access to Resources 

With so much going on and the explosion of knowledge, I need resources.  I need access to an electronic library that will help me covering a variety of topics.  I frequently don’t have time to go searching.  I usually need something specific, and I need it now or very soon.  I need resources that address case management.  My professional organization, CMSA, has resources that I know are reliable and will be helpful.   

Leadership Training and Development 

By being active in CMSA, you can move into positions of leadership.  My leadership opportunities through CMSA helped me gain skills and be promoted where I worked.  Participating in leadership in CMSA offers a unique style in leadership.  In employment, people have to do what the leaders say, but in a volunteer organization, you learn how to be a leader using different strategies and techniques, which also serve you in your employment.  By being active by serving on a committee or becoming a officer, your name get’s known by increasing your visibility which is good for your employer as well as yourself.  People seek you out for advice, including job opportunities, all because you became active in CMSA.  You become a mentor or find a mentor for yourself! 

Financial Benefits 

There are various categories of membership each with a different fee so I do invest in the benefits.  If you take advantage of your membership, become engaged in CMSA activities, and attend either live or online activities, you will recover your membership dues investment with interest.   

Can you afford not to be a member of your professional association – CMSA? There are so many benefits – advocacy, standards, lobbying, education, networking, inspiration, resources, discounts - of joining a professional association like CMSA.  Take charge of your career, but remember – the more engaged, the greater the benefits! 

The Case Management Society of America (CMSA) facilitates the growth and development of professional case managers across the full healthcare continuum, promoting high-quality, ethical practice benefitting patients, clients and their families. Join Here:

Bio: Gary Wolfe, RN, CCM is the Editor-in-Chief of CareManagement. A past president of CMSA as well as a CMSA Chapter leader, Gary has significant leadership experience in managed care organizations. Currently, Gary's focus is on improving professional case management practice through education.