Stay in the know on the most recent updates and best practices for case management. Gain insight from peers in the field as well as leading experts. From legislative initiatives to real-world applications for the latest practices, the CMSA Blog is the go-to resource for new and seasoned case managers. Find every perspective HERE!

The Latest in Case Management

Are You an Assertive or Aggressive Case Manager

By Karen Hooven RN, BSN, CRRN, CCM Are you an Assertive or Aggressive Case Manager, or a combination of both? Or do you consider yourself  "firm"? Does it matter?   It does matter. Whether you are Assertive or Aggressive could significantly influence your...

Setting Boundaries is Self-Care! 

By Christina Sanchez, LCSW Imagine a case manager wrapping up their day, feeling inundated with paperwork, pending calls, and the looming responsibilities of their evening routine with family. Does this scenario sound familiar? Research indicates that healthcare...

Recognizing Vulnerability 

By Donna Stewart, RN, BSN, CCM  After the recent death of my father from lung cancer, the various family stressors that accompany such a loss, and then the very unexpected passing of one of my patients, I realized I needed to make the time to schedule a long-past-due...
Are You an Assertive or Aggressive Case Manager

Are You an Assertive or Aggressive Case Manager

By Karen Hooven RN, BSN, CRRN, CCM Are you an Assertive or Aggressive Case Manager, or a combination of both? Or do you consider yourself  "firm"? Does it matter?   It does matter. Whether you...

Setting Boundaries is Self-Care! 

Setting Boundaries is Self-Care! 

By Christina Sanchez, LCSW Imagine a case manager wrapping up their day, feeling inundated with paperwork, pending calls, and the looming responsibilities of their evening routine with family. Does...

Recognizing Vulnerability 

Recognizing Vulnerability 

By Donna Stewart, RN, BSN, CCM  After the recent death of my father from lung cancer, the various family stressors that accompany such a loss, and then the very unexpected passing of one of my...

Career Advancement & Advice

Managing Resources When There Appears to Be None

Managing Resources When There Appears to Be None

By Cynthia Hopkins, RN, MBA/HCM, ACM, CCM In the complex realm of healthcare, the challenge often lies in managing patient resources when conventional avenues seem scarce. Drawing on my experiences...

Empowering Social Workers

Empowering Social Workers

By Alan Boardman LMSW; ACM-SW “The focus for practice in a helping profession is faith in the possibilities within people, if given the right conditions for growth.”  -Bertha Capen Reynolds,...

Case Managers Benefit from Strategic Alliances 

Case Managers Benefit from Strategic Alliances 

By Catherine M. Mullahy, RN, BS, CRRN, CMM, FCM Case managers, whose role involves interacting with other members of their patients’ treatment teams, have yet to prioritize forming strategic...