What CMSA Means to Me…and…What It Can Mean to You!

by Melanie Prince, CMSA Past President

This is my final BLOG as CMSA President and my submission is an occasion to look backward and forward as a leader and member of the Case Management Society of America. CMSA is renowned as a premier organization for case managers of various professions. The strength of the association is realized because of the multidisciplinary diversity, interprofessional expertise, influential leaders and committed volunteers who comprise the membership. I have been fortunate to work with many leaders and volunteers in my role as President and the CMSA 2022 presidential transition offers an opportunity to reflect on the past two years.

As a member of the National Board, CMSA provided a vehicle to elevate my leadership skills, knowledge and experience in:

  • Non-profit organizational leadership
  • Financial planning, management and stewardship
  • Strategic planning and outcomes management
  • Corporate partnership engagement and negotiation
  • Legal and regulatory oversight of non-profit association management
  • Task Force development
  • Integrated workflow management
  • Virtual technology and digital education
  • Conference and meeting planning
  • Project management and program development
  • Course development and curriculum composition
  • Public policy and legislative engagement
  • Multi-professional networking and Collaborative Leadership
  • International educational presentations

In the over 15 unique leadership roles in my professional career, no ONE job offered an opportunity to learn and use knowledge, skills and abilities that the service on the CMSA National Board afforded within a two-year time span. If anyone wants to take their primary career to the “next level”, consider a position on the CMSA National Board. As a National Board member, one is able to expand, elevate and broaden leadership skills that are easily transferable to one’s current job or career goals. CMSA chapter leadership provides the same opportunities at the local or regional level. It is exciting and rewarding to learn and apply leadership skills in a way that leaves a lasting impact on our professional association.

Looking forward, as an ongoing member, I will continue to benefit from my CMSA membership. The annual renewal for CMSA membership provides extraordinary benefits year-round! A few areas I plan to take advantage of are:

  • Professional publications to source future presentations on case management via CMSA Today, Professional Case Management and Care Management
  • CMSA Standards of Practice guidelines to develop competency assessments for case managers under my supervision
  • High caliber educational offerings to remain current in my practice and maintain certification
  • CMSA’s public policy agenda to influence the current and future practice of case management
  • The CMSA Foundation to support my peers in research, process improvements and professional development
  • As a CMSA Fellow, formal mentoring programs to advance future case managers
  • Access to the CMSA Educational Resource Library to help me in my doctoral program
  • As a CMSA Boot Camp instructor, teaching others practical application of case management principles, procedures and professional skills
  • Robust networking with case managers of various practice settings, especially acute care
  • Meet-ups with case management entrepreneurs to collaborate on career opportunities
  • Chapter leader involvement to challenge the status quo with innovative ideas to grow CMSA
  • Saving lots of money on CMSA member benefits through discounts, free courses, digital downloads, annual conference prizes and perks
  • A society that provides the environment to fuel my passion for care of patients, clients, families

The bottom line…membership in CMSA is: Career-elevating; Multidisciplinary; Supportive and Affordable. I was thrilled to serve CMSA’s esteemed membership for the past two years as President and I look forward to continued service in this premier professional association as an active member and seasoned leader. We did it!


To view many of the benefits Melanie outlined in her blog, visit the CMSA Member Discounts page: https://cmsapmg.wpenginepowered.com/membership/discounts/